Regarding Spanish Citizenship, and due to the measurements of the Spanish Government for the Coronavirus we would like to inform you of the following
Exams of Instituto Cervantes: Please be aware that some of the exams have been cancelled or postponed. If you are doing your Cervantes Exams, please click in the below link:
Certificado de antecedentes Penales: This service has been suspended.
UK Apostille and registration service: Please be aware that this system is in delay.
Juras de Nacionalidad: In Madrid, last day of celebration was 13th March, until then the service has been closed.
Registro Civil de Madrid central c/ Pradillo 66: It will be closed to ask for old Birth Certificates, and Marriage certificates, you can ask for them via Internet.
Applications of Spanish Citizenships in process that are waiting for an answer: for those applications that are already in Ministerio de justicia and are waiting for the answer to their Citizenship – The terms have been interrupted until the Alarm state is finished.
“Se informa que según el Real Decreto 463/2020, de 14 de marzo, por el que se declara el estado de alarma para la gestión de la situación de crisis sanitaria ocasionada por el COVID-19, publicado en el BOE el 14 de marzo de 2020, quedan suspendidos TODOS los términos e interrumpidos TODOS los plazos establecidos en el Real Decreto 1004/2015, de 6 de noviembre, por el que se aprueba el Reglamento para la adquisición de la nacionalidad española por residencia.
El cómputo de los plazos se reanudará en el momento en que pierda vigencia el citado real decreto o, en su caso, las prórrogas del mismo”.
Bennet&Rey Lawyers, will let you know when the services will be again open.
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