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The awards

What are the Magna Carta Awards?

They are awards that stand for HARMONY, for building bridges between cultures and people. They were created to recognise the efforts of individuals and institutions that stand out in our society for their dedication to fostering relationships between the culture of Spain and that of the United Kingdom and English-speaking countries.

Why were the Magna Carta Awards created?

Magna Carta Awards Ceremony Date: 23rd April 2025

Bennet & Rey, S.L. Solicitors, having already operated as legal professionals between the two communities prior to Brexit, has witnessed the before and after of this event, as well as the consequences that Brexit has brought about.

For this reason, we believe that now is the time for society, individuals, or organisations to lead initiatives that foster closer ties between the two communities, and at Bennet & Rey, we want to be part of this effort.

We believe this is a crucial moment to establish awards that remind these two communities of the bonds that truly unite them. There is no better way to achieve this than by recognising individuals who stand out in their respective fields of society and who play a key role in bridging these two cultures.

What is the Magna Carta?

The Magna Carta was signed on 15th June 1215 in Runnymede, England, as an instrument of peace and harmony. It was granted by King John of England to put an end to the uprising of a group of barons.

Through this charter, the Crown recognised a series of rights for the barons that had not previously been specified in writing, such as protection against unlawful detention or access to immediate justice. This charter laid the foundation for rights that are considered fundamental today.

A highly esteemed legal text, founded on the recognition of fundamental rights and later associated with harmony, strikes us as the perfect tribute to various institutions and individuals. It is deeply aligned with the ethos of Bennet & Rey, whose mission is to provide legal services to English-speaking individuals and businesses in Spain, with the overarching goal of uniting British and Spanish cultures.

Our MAGNA CARTA awards are based on one of the oldest known written legal texts, which served as the foundation for future fundamental rights.
The original charters were written on sheets of parchment, using quill pens, in rigorously abbreviated medieval Latin, which was the language used in legal documents.
Currently, only four authentic copies of the 1215 charter exist: two in the British Library, one in Lincoln Cathedral, and one in Salisbury Cathedral. While we cannot bring the original texts for our awardees, we can provide the copies produced by Salisbury Cathedral.

Proposed Awards


For promoting cultural exchange between Spanish and Anglo-Saxon cultures.


For their contribution, through social initiatives, to fostering ties between the two cultures.


For their work as a company bringing the two cultures together.


For their work in promoting British culture through Spanish media.


For their work in promoting Spanish culture through British media.


For their work in defending and protecting the most disadvantaged.


For their distinguished artistic career and recognition across both cultures.


For being an example of resilience, tenacity, and bravery in both cultures.

Note: The Organising Committee reserves the right to create new categories or declare a category void if the quality or number of nominations does not meet the required standards.

Principles and Values Guiding the Magna Carta Awards

The awards aim to build bridges between two cultures and are therefore independent of any political ideology.

The Magna Carta Awards and Bennet & Rey, S.L. bear no responsibility for the publications of the awardees or for what is published in the media about them.

The awards are guided by the utmost respect, integrity, and honesty towards the awardees, society, organisers, public and private institutions, as well as national and international laws.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted and proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly Resolution on 10 December 1948, will always guide the decision-making, internal organisation, and actions of the awards.

The Magna Carta Awards do not engage in businesses, transactions, or dealings that undermine individual dignity.

The awards are committed to society and the environment. All actions undertaken will aim to minimise environmental impact.

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On 20th January 2025, a press breakfast will be held to announce the launch of the first edition of the Magna Carta Awards. Specialised media outlets are invited to this event, during which the Honour Committee of the Awards will be introduced, comprising:

D. Fernando de Prado Pardo Manuel de Villena

Cruz de la Encomienda de Alfonso X el Sabio.

D. Michael John Morley
Sir Thomas D’Eyncourt John Thomson
D. David Sharrock
D. Nigel G. F. Bennet
Dña. Margaret J. Hauschild Rey

The breakfast will take place in Madrid at the restaurant QÚ BY MARIO SANDOVAL, located at Calle Sevilla nº2 and led by the renowned Madrid-based chef, who holds 2 Michelin stars.